Our Purpose
To engage in activities to improve the health, welfare, education, rehabilitation, employment, recreation and opportunities to support developmentally challenged adults of the State of Maryland, without regards to age, color, creed, disability, gender, nationality, marital status, race or religion; establish and operate programs rendering support services to developmentally challenged persons; and expend effort and available resource reasonably necessary to meet the needs of physically challenged individuals.

Our Services
We provide medically supervised services to developmentally disabled individuals.
- Individual Support Services
- Residential Services

Our Values
All persons with disabilities shall be provided every possible opportunity to live in a manner consistent with the general population of our community.
CECA will promote the development, and implementation of new techniques, and program approaches to ensure opportunities for positive change, and for personal growth, and development toward maximum independence.
All services to persons with developmental disabilities should be based on individual need and designed to preserve human dignity, protect civil and human rights, and encourage the involvement and responsibility of the individual’s family and community.